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Book Mentorship Program

Manual #2

Setting up your chapters

Achieve Systems Author a book

Please answer all these questions before moving on to workbook #3.

Let’s Lay Out the Nuts and Bolts of Your Book

This is One of the most important parts of your book, so we ask you to give this great thought. Think if a Chapter name that attracts people to read it. Each chapter name should be looked at as a chance to brand you and the book.

We are now going to set up your chapters.

A chapter is a Book system where you provide the public (readers) content in a systematic approach.

Your first chapter should be Introduction to your topic and lead into up to 12 chapters of content.

Each chapter should run between 8 and 24 pages on average. If you are doing a first volume book you generally keep it closer to 8-12 but that depends on how much content you have and need to share with your audience.

The content in each chapter should clearly discuss the topic at hand.

You will set-up your chapters which is one of the first steps to success in writing a book.

You will then write one chapter at a time so you can concentrate on writing the best chapter possible.

This will provide you great clarity and organization so you can complete the book faster and with high quality content.”

Robert Raymond, Best Selling Author

How to Organize Your Chapters

Naming Chapters IDEAS

You want each chapter name to be exciting and not just informative. For example, you can call a chapter.

Heart Healing


Powerful Methods to Heal your Heart

Which catches more eyes? In a book, everything you put in it is an opportunity to brand you and the book. Use it and think creatively.

Try to create flow from Chapter to Chapter

When putting down each chapter name think “reading flow!” If someone is reading this what order would they want to hear about each topic. There should be a progression to your book. We will mentor you and make sure by the time it is done the flow is strong. Do your best when assembling and naming your chapters the information will flow from chapter to chapter. That all starts with the name of the chapters.

Last chapter is generally putting it all together.

Is this a First Edition Book?

Most educators try to fit too much education into a first book. Do not over do it! Provide the grounds and important information to learn and advance in each book after.

Exhibits added after Chapters

Feel free to refer to Exhibit A (forms) if necessary. Meaning if they are going to use a form to accomplish something say (see exhibit A).

Add Charts to break up sections and make reading easier

Charts are important- Put charts in that break-up paragraphs as people are visual.

Add Pictures to break up sections and make reading easier

Pictures- we will work together at the end adding pictures. Do not add pictures until the end

Refer to Experts

Refer to experts in your industry in the book at any time. It makes your book solid.

Get Examples

Go into other books and look at how many chapters they have, how many pages and tailor your book after what you like. We will set it up accordingly.

Picture of you

Have a picture of yourself you like ready to go as it will be used throughout the book in many cases as we create the branding campaign which is our last step!


Do not start writing or organizing any content until your chapters are laid out. We see people start writing and then have to start all over again because things don’t flow, chapters are out of order and some information in one chapter should be in another.

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